Sunday, October 21, 2012

A much needed update

It has been a long time since I've posted. It's hard to know what to write when there isn't anything to say in regards to our fertility issues. So much has changed since June. I was offered a job within my current district and accepted. I was then offered a different job with a new school and decided that was a better fit for me so, I accepted it. Then that school offered me a different job than what they hired me for. After declining it twice, they made an offer I couldn't pass up. I am now an Educational Diagnostician for Texas Virtual Academy. This is what I went to graduate school for and am very excited I am able for the most part to do this job for home. The only time I leave is when I need to go evaluate a student. I am only evaluating students in the DFW area which is the reason I had declined the job twice before accepting. It was going to require a LOT of traveling all over the state of Texas and I really didn't want to travel that much. So, my boss was determined to make it work and pretty much made this job for me. I'm so thankful for that! In September, after a fight with the homeowner of the house we were renting, he gave us permission to break our lease and find somewhere else. It's a long story of how that all happened (I'll spare you the boring details). Anyway, we are now living with my parents for a few months while we pay off some debt and buy a house. I am grateful we had this opportunity to be able to pay off our debt. James is doing well and working a million hours every week. I don't see him much :( He has a new location opening at the beginning of November so, it will be awhile before I'll remember what it's like to see him more than 5 hours a week! I am also very excited that we are embarking on a trip to Disney World again this year! My entire family is going this time and I'm pumped to have both of my nieces with us. I will post some pictures after our trip. In the fertility world, nothing is new. My doctor required us to wait for 2 cycles after my D&C before we could start trying again. My body needed time to heal as it had been through quite an ordeal and I had internal stitches that needed to dissolve as well. I thought for sure we would be pregnant before now. I kept thinking about how we were able to get pregnant so quickly after my surgery but for now God has other plans for us. My cycles are showing signs of becoming irregular again which is terrifying. You see, before my surgery in January, I didn't have cycles. The surgery is what temporarily "fixed" my body to work again. No one knows for sure how long the results will last but 2 years seems to be about it. We are quickly approaching 1 year. My cycles have been getting longer. It's time for me to visit my doctor anyway but I've been avoiding it thinking I wouldn't need it. So, I guess it is time for me to make the appointment and talk to him about all of this as well. It's so hard to know that the one thing you want the most in this world was taken away from me. I have good days and bad days. I've gotten pretty good at hiding the bad days. Pregnancy seems to be all around me and it is difficult not to ask "why me". I trust that God does have a plan for us but I would be a liar if I said it was easy to rest in that knowledge all of the time. It's not. Hey, at least I'll get to ride the rides at Disney World :) Photobucket

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