Monday, June 4, 2012

Post op doctor visit

In my last post, I told you there was a complication during surgery. All my doctor told James at the time was that he had never seen this in all his years of medicine but the pregnancy was growing in the side. I asked James the side of what? He didn't know. I went to my follow up appointment today where I got more information. Most of you have probably heard of an ectopic pregnancy where the pregnancy grows in the fallopian tube. Well, mine was growing in my cervix! Yes, you read that right - my cervix. This is extremely rare and can be life threatening because bleeding can be severe. My doctor told me it can cause a woman to need a hysterectomy and can damage your cervix if it continues to grow. My doctor isn't a serious kind of guy but he was very serious in this conversation. It is no secret he is a Christian (the reason I chose him) and he told me I should be very thankful because God spared my life and my "lady bits" (I told he wasn't serious). He said what saved me was the location of the pregnancy as it was mostly inside of my cervix and because of the miscarriage. If the pregnancy had continued to grow, I could have bled out and it would have been very quick. Wow! I never thought I would be thankful for a miscarriage and it's still painful but God had a purpose in this. If that pregnancy had continued on, I could have died or lost any chance of having children because of a hysterectomy. It is hard to process because I still grieve for the loss of my child but am so grateful I am still here. For now, I wait for my cycle to return but otherwise I can go back to exercising and living life as normal. Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ashley! Praise Jesus!! I understand where you're at, because I've (kinda) been there. I was infertile for 3 years before getting pregnant with a set of twins that I promptly miscarried at 13 weeks. I was devastated, too. I'm still not "over" it, and when I get to heaven, I'll be expecting some answers. However, if I hadn't lost them, I wouldn't have met my doctor, and I wouldn't have known that I have a severe progesterone deficiency tha will cause me to miscarry every single time, if I don't take a progesterone supplement the first 12 weeks and then shots from 16 weeks til 36 weeks. I don't know what God is going to do in your situation, but if it's anything like mine, this horrible,frustrating thing will turn around to work for your good. THis e-zine has really helped me as well, maybe it could help you,
    I'll keep praying for you, Ash. Love you. <3 ~L.
